July 24, 2023


When you look north west from our pool you will see a large cross on top of the hill. It is actually over a hill /mountain and across the river Serchio. As the crow flies it is probably only 2 miles (3.5km away) but to drive it is probably 40 minutes. I don’t recommend it for nervous drivers (and passengers).

Once up there it has the most amazing panoramic views of the river, Lucca and mountain range. You can even spot our red house. Wolves call from there at night to other wolves in the mountains. It is definitely worth a trip. The wild flowers, butterflies and bird life are wonderful.

To drive there, you need a fairly high up car or one without a low spoiler. I think I have probably driven up in a small Fiat over the years. Start off by crossing over the old bridge at Ponte a Moriano, turn hard left for a mile/2km. Before a left bend take a small right turning at Brancoli and after about 50-100m take another left turn and keep on going higher and higher. The church is approx a third of the climb; the last 10 minutes is on a hard clay base so don’t go when wet. Lots of groups of cyclists pedal all the way to the top.

The history of the cross dates back to the Romans in 200BC and the Germans in WW11. It was part of the 320km Gotic wall.

Spot A Corte in the middle?

Never trust your family!!

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