We are really lucky to have such a good support team at Abitalia.
Mayla is wonderfully calm and runs the office in nearby Via Salvatore Quasimodo, 28 bis, 55023 Diecimo, LU. Telephone: +39 0583 838631. Nick Watson & Sally also work in the office. Please note the office is closed for lunch, just like all businesses in Italy.
You may meet our brilliant house keeper Angela who does a brilliant job in the house.
PierLuigi looks after the garden, pool cleaning and lawn. He generally works on Saturdays when guests leave. Rafa is a wonderful artisan craftsman and checks the pool chemicals once a week usually on Friday morning. If you need any help they can probably assist. They are both charming.
Pier Luigi and Rafa.
No one else should be on the property, although Italy and much of Europe has the ‘right to roam’ policy. The only person you might see looking at the grapes is Gian Franco, the farmer & his brother. Gian Franco generally has a different hat for each job. Rafa speaks very good English.
GianFranco & Guglielmo don’t speak English but are a delight.
You might meet lovely Marcello out of season looking at the olive trees.