Viareggio carnival
January 28, 2019

The Viareggio carnival celebrates its 146 consecutive year in February and March 2019? It is the 2nd biggest carnival in the world after Rio and attracts 600,000 crazy Italians. It is an explosion of colour and coincides with the oranges filling the trees on the town’s streets which is beautiful in itself.  

I love Italian design.

Trump always attracts attention

John Lennon – Italians love the Beatles. Their songs are often songs are often sung by Italian football fans

A former resident from nearby Elba, Napoleon

An iconic 1950’s design

I absolutely love these posters

Even the kids love the campness

A darker night time mood

Viareggio beach – military precision. We go to Bagno Dahlia on the boundaries of Forti di Marmi & Marina di Pietrasanta which is run by the lovely Tiziana and her family . They have a lovely seafood restaurant when you want to avoid the midday sun and a bar to watch the sun setting.

Viareggio has a wonderful mediterranean climate and superb oranges in February and March

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