August 31, 2016

This year we have had some wonderful guests. Usually, most come from North America, combined with a sprinkling from France, Holland, Germany, Britain & Scandi plus of course, Russia & Aus, but this year everyone has come from the UK & France.
The terrible Paris bombings put off the North Americans, so it has been a lovely change having families who have enjoyed the garden, countryside, and local walks.
One young lad, Colin from Scotland saw the amazing list of birds at A Corte & Lago di Massaciuccoli, which I attach (thanks Colin, you’ve been very busy)
Squacco Heron Night Heron Grey Heron Purple Heron
Great White Egret Little Egret Cattle Egret
Cormorant Great-crested Grebe Mallard Water Rail Moorhen Herring Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull
Marsh Harrier Peregrine Kestrel Buzzard Hoopoe
Swallow House Martin Swift
Lesser Whitethroat Blackcap Cetti’s Warbler Reed Warbler Chiffchaff
Pied Wagtail Grey Wagtail
Wryneck Great-spotted Woodpecker Lesser-spotted Woodpecker Green Woodpecker
Turtle Dove Collared Dove
Redstart Spotted Flycatcher
Song Thrush Blackbird
Blue Tit Great Tit Long-tailed Tit Crested Tit
Serin Greenfinch Chaffinch Goldfinch
Robin Wren
Jay Magpie Hooded Crow
Tree Sparrow House Sparrow
Red-billed Leiothrix!! (lots of escapees)

Other guests children saw praying mantis & other creepy crawlies, deer, porcupine & squirrels

We saw a pine martin, cinghiale (wild boar), roe deer, red squirrels, sadly no porcupines this year. We have also seen golden oriels, hobby, red & grey backed shrikes, little, barn & tawny owls

Red backed shrike

Barn owl

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