Mystery of the disappearing shoes
June 30, 2016

I often leave my flip flops by our kitchen door, but occasionally one, possibly 2 would disappear, which really puzzled me. I thought that Hazel felt they were obstructing the door so they were kicked away from the entrance.
One day I was shaving upstairs and noticed an object 40m away amongst the olive trees. They were the missing flip flops. Hazel denied moving them and although it would have been extremely unlikely, I thought a ‘right to roam’ Italian had walked past the house and given them the boot into the meadow below.
I mentioned this to my assistant Dave, who stayed at the house with his parents and he said he had the same problem! They even found a shoe on their walk past Myra’s yellow house at the end of the track. Eventually, they discovered it was a fox that picked them up, presuming they could give it a chew and then dropped it once they got bored!!
As a result we have a few shoes now only suitable for one legged people.
(Nb. There is a cupboard on the left of the kitchen door to store trainers & walking boots)

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