FRESH PASTA – Il Tordello
October 13, 2013

One of the pleasures of spending time in Italy is eating fresh pasta and at  Il Tordello,  Via Paolinelli 31, 55014, Marlia, they makes a huge range, plus sauces to accompany it and breads too. A particular local favourite is tordelli, a rectangular pasta stuffed with slowly cooked pork, veal or beef & herbs and served with a tomato and meat sauce with a sprinkle of parmesan.

The best way to drive there is through Gugliano to Mastiano, take the  road straight on and downhill (not the right hand fork as on the instructions to the house) towards Ponte a Moriano. Cross over the river at Ponte a Moria turn right, through the town for about 4km. At the large roundabout with Esse Lunga supermarket on your left, continue around & take the 3rd exit (same as Esse Lunga entrance), go under the railway bridge on Strada Provinciale 29 which leads into Viale Europa. Continue straight ahead until you arrive at the traffic lights (approx 1.5 – 2km), then turn right on and continue for approx 650-800m. On the left you will see a modern parade of shops with parking in front & you will see Il Tordello.

Hours: 9.00 – 13.00, 16.00 – 20.00

Ask the girls how long you should cook the pasta – “Quanto tempo di cottura della pasta? Due minuti?” It’s usually about 2 mins in boiling water. If it is tordelli alla ragu that’s already in a sauce, then it is cooked and just requires re-heating (not in water) – remove from the fridge at least 30 mins to an hour before cooking in a pan and very slowly cook it for approx 5 – 7 minutes.

Alternatively try the Gastronomia in Ponte a Moriano for their ready made pasta dishes – lasagne, tordelli. They will even make up a dish for you like mushroom lasagne, meat lasagne, tordelli with ragu. I often take down a large deep dish and they will prepare it, so it’s ready to put straight in the oven. It is not cheap, €26 for a large meat lasagne that will fill 8 hungry people, but it tastes fantastic. He is a wonderful chef – his tummy proves it!

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